
Pallavi Srivastava
5 min readApr 28, 2021

Four siblings, Jackson, Emily, Mike and Mary always stayed together, played together and enjoyed together. Their mother was a working professional and had to go in various countries because of her work leaving her beloved kids alone behind.

Once she decided to take all of them to their Aunt’s place so that she could take care of them. But their mother didn’t know that Mrs. Penta (Aunt) was not as good as she looked. She used to hate kids. Mary, who was the youngest one never wanted to go to her Aunt because she was really scary and even used to beat her. But unfortunately Mary’s mother didn’t know about all this and thought that Mrs. Penta is a kind hearted woman. Finally they somehow agreed to go to her.

It was a rainy day, and a weird atmosphere was created at Mrs. Penta’s place. Something which was never seen before, but everyone thought that it would be because of rain but it was something else. Let’s wait for it.

Mrs. Penta surprisingly was standing with a bouquet in her hands to welcome the kids. Jackson, the eldest one said, “Ah….this time it’s gonna be more difficult for us, be ready guys…” Mike on the other hand was furious and said, “This time she will have to pay if she did anything wrong to anyone of us.” As soon as their mother left, Mrs. Penta grabbed each and everyone of them and gave the household chores to them. “Everything should be completed on time. If you don’t complete them on time or if you break any of my rules, you will be locked in the room which is on the second floor and is haunted. Whatever happens next will not be my responsibility at all”, shouted Mrs. Penta.

One fine morning when Jackson, Emily, Mike and Mary were playing cricket, Emily by mistake broke the window of Mrs. Penta’s house. They all ran in fear and went to the second floor which they were not supposed to go to. They all heard Mrs. Penta shouting and finding them furiously to punish them. She saw them on the second floor. “There you are…”, she smiled wickedly. “She is coming…she is gonna beat us…let’s hide in this room”, said Mary. “That room is not safe, didn’t you hear Mrs. Penta saying that earlier?”, asked Emily. “This would not have happened if you would have played patiently”, muttered Mike. “This is of no use. She is coming up…we need to hide in the room…I am damn sure she won’t come there…she is a coward”, said jackson. They all went inside before Mrs. Penta could grab them.

There was darkness inside….nothing was visible. Suddenly a voice came from outside, “You all will die… this is the biggest mistake of your life.” It was Mrs. Penta shouting in fear. After around a couple of hours when everyone felt that Mrs. Penta had gone, they slowly opened the door to get out and yes they got out. But, hang on, it was not Mrs. Penta’s house in which they landed.

It was a new world with fairies and wizards.

A new world with magic in it. A group of wizards came towards them and bowed. After a long conversation, the siblings got to know that the world of magic was in grave danger. Their queen Jessica was missing and the people had no clue if she was alive or not until they got some evidences which proved that she was alive. “Why don’t you help us find her?”, said one of the wizard. “We…Umm...Sorry…We just entered a room which was actually forbidden and now we are just searching ways to get out of here. We cannot help you in any way. We are really sorry”, said Jackson. “You cannot go out of here unless and until we get our queen back. You don’t have option my dear. This is our world.”, answered the wizard which was probably the head of all of them…well his dressing said that. Understanding the scenario, Emily said, “I don’t think we have any option left. We’ll have to help them find their queen.” Everyone agreed. They got trained for a couple of months and were ready to face the evil power who took the queen. The captain was Jackson and he had the responsibility to guide everyone.

The war started…

People were killing each other. Mary who was the youngest was the most clever one as well. She heard someone saying that Jessica was on the topmost part of the castle. While everyone was fighting in the war, she went to the top of the castle and helped Jessica get free. This was a sad news for the evil power because Jessica was the strongest witch and had her powers locked by the evil power which got freed because of Mary. Jessica waved her wand and managed to end the evil powers…Everyone was saved. Jessica thanked everyone for saving her life and promised Mary to show them the way to their home. She did as she promised…

The time when all four of them came back, Mrs. Penta had her jaw dropped to see all of them returning alive from that room. “How??How did you all manage to get out of there?”, asked Mrs. Penta anxiously. “Well, that’s a secret”, smiled Mary. Their mother came to take them while they all were having a conversation. “Mom, glad to see you”, Mary ran and hugged her mother.

“We enjoyed a lot with Mrs. Penta, she is a pure soul lady….We would definitely like to come back here”, Mary laughed and said.

Her mother did not expect this but she was happy to see her children happy. She thanked Mrs. Penta for taking care of her kids and left. Mrs. Penta was still in a shock, mind you.

They all lived with these memories and decided never to talk about it or share it with anyone else. Getting trapped in the room was a blessing in disguise for them.

