
Pallavi Srivastava
3 min readJan 12, 2021

Once there was a 7 year old girl named Emily. Emily loved to play and was fond of animals. Elina was Emily’s friend but Emily was not as rich as Elina. Elina was stubborn, on the other hand Emily was quiet girl. Once, Emily and Elina were passing by a road, suddenly, Elina saw a puppy in a cardboard box. The puppy had big, cute eyes and small paws. Somebody left him there, maybe his owner. They both felt bad for the puppy and wanted to help. “I shall take him with me, Mom will be very happy”, said Emily joyfully. “NO”, frowned Elina. “I am the one to take him home. By the way, you don’t even have space for yourself in your house, where will you keep him”, said Elina in a disrespectful way. Emily felt bad, but soon she agreed to give puppy to Elina. Elina took the puppy at her home and named it as “Coco”. Emily on the other hand went to her Granny’s place for some days. Elina gave him the dog food, and after some days, they became best friends. After a few days however, Elina got bored with Coco. As any toy would make her happy for not more than a couple of weeks, Coco became the same to her. She promised her parents to take care of Coco when she bought him, but now it seemed that she was not interested in him. She rarely gave him food to eat because of which he started growing weaker which was not a good sign at all. After a few days, Coco was so weak that he could not even move. Elina was frustrated seeing him like that all day. She only bought him home because he was cute, but now, unfortunately, he was not as he used to be before. One morning, she put Coco in the same cardboard box and she left him where he was earlier. Soon after that, Emily returned from her Granny’s home and was excited to meet Elina and Coco. But Alas!!! She saw Coco in the same box at the same place. Emily was very sad to see Coco’s condition. She took him home and gave him food to eat and shelter to live even if her house was not too big for him to stay. One fine morning, Emily took Coco for a walk as usual and suddenly Coco saw Elina on the road. Coco saw a car coming towards Elina which she was totally unaware of. Being humans, we would have thought once before risking our life for a person who treated us so bad. But, that’s the difference between us and the animals. Coco ran towards Elina to save her. She was saved but Coco got injured. Elina’s eyes were full of tears and she felt really bad of the behavior she had towards Coco. After some treatment or so, Coco was fine and started to play and jump again. Elina apologized to Coco and Emily for her bad behavior and got to know that she was at a big fault.

It is rightly said, “An animal is the only one on Earth that loves you more than yourself.”

“Never disrespect them, they have feelings and emotions too. No matter how bad your mood is, they are always there to cheer you up. They are always loyal to you, so respect their loyalty.”

