Learn to let go…

Pallavi Srivastava
4 min readApr 2, 2024

Franklin came to a park and sat on a bench were an old man named Alfred was already sitting. Franklin sat there for an hour, both did not utter a single word and franklin went away after that. This repeated the very next day as well. On the third day, Alfred came and sat on the bench where Franklin was already sitting. He asked him in a low voice, “Son, is there anything I can help you with if you are feeling low?” Franklin smiled and said, “That’s a very kind gesture by you sir, but there is no one who can help me in my situation.”

Alfred thought for a while and then gave a box to franklin to hold. Franklin held it without any question and after couple of minutes, Alfred stacked another box over the one that Franklin was holding. Franklin did not say anything and held it. Alfred did this for several times and stacked almost 7 boxes. This time Franklin was frustrated. He dropped all of them at once and shouted… “What do you want from me, I am not able to hold all of them…and for how long do you want me to hold them?” Alfred had a smile on his face and exclaimed, “Exactly…I wanted you to hold the single box but did not tell you to stack another box over it and did not tell you for how long you had to hold it. It was all upto you. If I don’t tell you to drop the first box, are you going to hold it forever?”

Franklin was startled and frustrated at the same time… “What do you mean? Is this some kind of joke to you? I am not taking this anymore”, saying this franklin started walking away but Alfred just grabbed his hand gently to stop him and whispered, “Sit son, listen to me for a while.” Listening to this Franklin stopped and sat on the bench with him.

And Alfred started…

“When the weight on you got increased, you had to let it go at some point of time…but at what cost? You yelled, you were frustrated and that is what happens in real life as well. If we do not learn to let go of things at some point of time, the situations just stack up and you are going to face disaster some day. Either it will be you or your near and dear ones. I have been watching you from past 3 days…you seem to have a bad siatuation in your life…I do not know what it is…but the only thing I can suggest you is, that these situations are not going to come to an end until you are alive. So, its better to let go of something at correct time so that you are ready for the next one and this way the life goes on….Whatever happens, happens for good.”

Franklin had a relaxed face but had some ambiguity and Alfred could see that. “What is it son, go ahead, ask me”, said Alfred. “I agree with what you said that we need to let go of things and need not stack it up. But, what do you mean by Whatever happens, happens for good? Are these 2 things interrelated?”, asked franklin

“Hmm…you seem to be a curious guy and a good listener at the same time. Much appreciate your doubt”, said Alfred.

“Let me tell you an incident that has happened with my own family. I have a son and he used to work in a factory. He used to work late in night and would a lot of times sleep in the factory itself. He is not very good at missing his sleep time”, giggled Alfred. “One day, my medicines ran out and my daughter- in-law forgot to bring them. Now, it was late night and the medicine shop was near to the factory where my son worked. She had to ask my son to bring those medicines. My son is very particular with his work and was very furious after hearing that she had forgotten to bring the medicines. That night, he was planning to stay in factory, but, the tables turned and he had to come back home with my medicines. He was very worried the entire night since his boss was very strict and he had to complete his job as soon as possible. I only told him one thing, don’t worry, let things go…whatever happens, happens for a reason and we all slept. The next day, early morning, he got up and was getting ready to go to factory when suddenly our neighbour showed up and said that the factory is which my son used to work had a short circuit last night and everything got destroyed. No one was hurt, because no one was there in the factory working or sleeping at that time. My son turned around at me and gave me a tight hug. This hug was undoubtedly filled with mixed emotions. I again whispered in his ears, whatever happens, happens for good.”

Franklin nodded his head and felt relaxed…he understood the point that Alfred was trying to explain…it was very deep….

“Its easier said than done son, I agree…but you need to start from somewhere”, said Alfred.

Remember, If a door is closed, its because what was behind was never meant for you…So relax and let it go…..

