He was still there…

Pallavi Srivastava
4 min readApr 8, 2021

John, a cheerful boy had very little time to spend with his family after he was born. When he was 7 years old, he died. Yes, you read it right. He died. Nobody knew the reason. It was neither a natural death nor a single scratch on his body was discovered. His mother had a mental disorder after her boy was gone. His father, Jack, somehow handled the situation. Jack always thought that the house was haunted in which they lived.

Haunted House

He never believed in such things but many a times he saw certain situations which were not normal. His cat behaved abnormally at times. He wondered….. “I reckon something is wrong here, what do you think John?”, he used to ask his son when he was alive. John never replied to his question. But now after John’s death, Jack was pretty sure that something was wrong and decided to leave that house. Surprisingly, he wasn’t getting any house on rent. It was never this difficult to search for a house on rent. But Jack could not find any. He searched for a good house for about 15 days and for that period of time, Martina (John’s mother) stayed in hospital because of her bad health. Whereas Jack used to stay in the same house and was very scared. After 15 days, when doctors said that she is a bit fine and can be taken home for better care, Jack was happy and worried at the same time. Happy because Martina was alright and worried because… because he didn’t want to take her to the same house once again. But unfortunately, he didn’t have any choice.

As 2–3 days passed, Martina was back to normal. She was cheerful, but how was that possible? She used cry all day, and now suddenly she is happy. But Jack was happy to see her so didn’t think about it much. But, as the days passed, Jack noticed that Martina used to talk to someone. Mind you, there were only 2 people in the house…Jack and Martina. And it was not Jack with whom she used to talk. One day, Jack asked her about the same, she said “I TALK TO MY SON, JOHN”. Jack was stumped. “What?”, he shouted.

Martina talking to John

Jack thought that this was the time for him to take Martina to the hospital. The way she described the scenario to the doctor, Jack understood that what it was. Jack immediately decided to leave the house and go to his sister’s place. But Martina refused. “I won’t go letting my son stay alone”, she said angrily. “You have gone mad, haven’t you?”, said Jack furiously. At this point of time, Martina didn’t want to understand anything. This was not normal. Seeing the scenario, Jack decide to leave the house and ask his neighbors to let him stay for some days as he was worried for Martina and didn’t want to leave her alone. His neighbors agreed.

The window of Jack’s room was exactly in front of Martina’s room. As soon as he looked there, his eyes popped out and he started sweating. You might be wondering, why? Because, it was his son John playing with Martina. John, a child who was no more in this world was seen playing with his mother which means “HE WAS STILL THERE….” Jack ran towards his house, dragged Martina and came to his neighbor’s house. “Stop it, Martina”, he shouted. “He is not sour son”, he said scarily. Till now, Jack had understood everything but did not understand how to explain it to Martina.

He took her far away from that city and after a couple of months, when everything was back to normal, Jack decided to talk to Martina. He said, “Martina, I loved John too….But…”. “But what, you didn’t love him, you would have never done this if you would have loved him”, said Martina furiously. Jack still stayed calm and explained, “Listen to me, he was someone who took life of John”. “You mean he killed our son?”, asked Martina in a low voice. “No he didn’t kill our son. He took the soul out of him, that’s why there were no evidences of his death.”, replied Jack. “I have done all the investigation. One person died in that house. Anyone who gets involved with that person because of some reasons or has weak mental capability loses his/her life. Our son was in grave danger and we didn’t know that. He used to share his feelings with the person, the same way you started doing. And if I would have let you stay there, he would have taken out your soul too. That house is haunted…No humanity survives there.”, said Jack with tears in his eyes. Martina understood everything and said, “I wish we never went there, we would have our son alive if we never went there……”

Sometimes we don’t believe that such things exist but He was still there………

