Pallavi Srivastava
3 min readDec 26, 2020

Once there was a girl named Tia who was 4 years old. She would fall everytime she used to walk and her mother would quickly come to help her and let her walk again which was a good thing, but something was not right…I don’t say this, Tia’s Grandmother felt so. This procedure went on a lot of days and Granny was watching everything very quietly. One fine morning, Granny ordered everyone in the house to not help Tia when she falls, everyone respected her so decided to do as she said. No one went near to Tia when she fell down. Instead everyone was encouraging her to get up and walk again. But Tia was used to the thing that, “MY MOTHER WILL HELP ME TO GET UP…SO WHY SHOULD I GET UP ON MY OWN…I WILL CRY AND SOMEONE WILL COME TO HELP ME.” This was the thing going on in the mind of the 4 year old child. She cried and cried for around 10 minutes, but no one came in to help her. At the end, her Grandma stood at some distance from her and told her, “Get up Tia, YOU CAN DO IT.” But, little Tia did not get up. After around 15 minutes, Tia got up, wiped her teary eyes and started walking. But Alas! She fell over again. Her 8 year old brother started laughing on her as she was falling over and over again. Finally somehow she managed to go to her Granny and gave her a tight hug.

That incident was over but even if Tia was just 4 years old she remembered that incident and when she was 10 years old, she decided to ask her Granny the reason behind doing so 6 years back. Her Granny was happy to see that Tia wants to know the real reason behind it.

She explained her,

“Look Tia, You were small, you knew that someone is there to pick you up and support you. But, this is not the case always. You face difficulties in life, you go through bad times, sometimes you cannot share everything with each and everyone that is going on in your mind, and that is perfectly fine. But the most important thing is, no one is going to be behind you when you fall, you need to get up, analyse and move on…People will laugh at you, but why does it matter? They were and are always there to laugh on people, more important is you get up, FIGHT BACK, show a better version of yourself and do for yourself, not for others.”

Tia heard this very carefully but had a question in her mind, “So Granny, do you want to say that the people who are successful had a bad time in their life?”

Granny replied, “Yes of course, People who are successful today does not mean that they were successful by their birth, they welcomed failure in their lives, handled it gracefully and moved on to prove themselves. It does not matter who you are but it definitely matters what you do to be who you desire to be. Take baby steps, life is not easy in itself, lets not make it complicated even more.”

In this upcoming year, let’s take a resolution to welcome and face our failures gracefully and FIGHT BACK to achieve what we desire to because Failure is not falling down, but refusing to stand back up.

